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Is it just me or has something changed

Over the last week ive noticed a few changes in the performance of my car....

Its a 1.2 Dynamique

Its just rolled over 700miles, during the last 50 miles the engine seemes to become much more revvy (Technical term;)) and now easily flies over 3500rpm in 1st 2nd & 3rd. It used to sound a bit rough and lacked power above 3500rpm.

Im just wondering if its something that the engine management has done to release the full potentil of the engine after its running in period ?

Or on the other hand its all in my head :D

Oh and another weird thing is that somehow the battery managed to completely drain itself of all power over the space of 5 days none use. Seems a bit strange to me that it would do that. All power is cut to lights, cd player etc when the key is removed right ?

Oh well Renault Assistance soon sorted me out :)

Even he had no idea why it would drain in 5 days....

Any info appreciated



The immobiliser is on all the time maybe that drained it. Ive had my Clio 7 weeks now and ive done 2300miles in it and the only difference ive noticed with mine is that the stalling and hunting is getting worse!!! Its being sorted tomorrow (hopefully), renault are updating my ECU, mines also a 1.2 16v Dynamique billabong. Have you had any probs with it like mine?
  Revels Mum & Sister

Wouldnt be the Immoboliser. They draw ver very small amounts!!!

Maybe a duff Battery or Altenator!

Quote: Originally posted by billabong on 21 April 2003

The immobiliser is on all the time maybe that drained it. Ive had my Clio 7 weeks now and ive done 2300miles in it and the only difference ive noticed with mine is that the stalling and hunting is getting worse!!! Its being sorted tomorrow (hopefully), renault are updating my ECU, mines also a 1.2 16v Dynamique billabong. Have you had any probs with it like mine?

Yes I have had that and posted here, the answer was to turn the key until the electrics lights come on then wait for the coil light to go off...then and only then start the car otherwise you will occasionaly suffer from stalling and stuttering

Its actually a known problem and Renault have just released an ECU update disk to the dealers last Thursday, I only found this out when it went in to have the sunroof fixed and I told them about this problem, they tried to fob me off so I refused to give them their courtesy car back and voila! they rang me thursday to book the car in to have the problem rectified. You shouldnt have to let the lights go out!!! If you are getting these problems get down to your dealership and demand they update your ECU!!!
  Clio 1.6 16V

Regards your battery drain, check that the boot light is going out after the courtesy delay period (and also the interior light light!)

Yeah the courtesy light always goes out but id have to check the boot light.

Regards the ECU update I already knew about it but I would rather just wait a second for the lights than to drive to the nearest renault garage which is 30 miles away ! ;)

There opening a new garage near me soon so I am waiting for that.

sick of the stalling problem, so far I have had a repair to my wiring harness, a new throttle body, 2 ecu re-maps!, and a new wiring harness. Problem is still there! Must say the waiting for the lights to go out does work.

For the extra speed bit I can vouch for that, mine hit about 9-10K and freed up vastly, still getting more revvy now @ nearly 14K. Still never gonna be a quick car though :(
