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IT Experts: Windows SBS 2003 r2

  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Longy I'm checking at work to see if we can do it cheaper/confirm its the right product so hold on before buying. :)
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
Looks like the right product. We're better if you're buying bulk tbh bud. If you need anything of any great size, machines etc let me know. :)
cool, let me know what you need.

Will need payment first.

I will also send you invoice :)

If you wish, I can do all your purchasing for you :)


  911 GTS Cab
i'm not expert ;) but it looks like the wrong product to me.

thats a VUP (version upgrade)

an extra 5 clients you need

depends how you license though, you either license per user or per device so depends how it was set up originally.

per user is good if you have more machines than users (i.e. some users might have more than 1 machine or a laptop and desktop etc) and device cals are for maybe shift work when you have more workers than pc's as 2 people might use the same machine but in shifts etc.

hope that helps.
  Pink & Blue 182, JDM DC2
^ I didn't notice the VUP... my bad. Good spot. :) Dave, pm where you're getting Blu-Ray movies from :D
  Fiesta ST
i'm not expert ;) but it looks like the wrong product to me.

thats a VUP (version upgrade)

an extra 5 clients you need

depends how you license though, you either license per user or per device so depends how it was set up originally.

per user is good if you have more machines than users (i.e. some users might have more than 1 machine or a laptop and desktop etc) and device cals are for maybe shift work when you have more workers than pc's as 2 people might use the same machine but in shifts etc.

hope that helps.

Confused even more now! because the extra 5 clients is a lot more than the actual server software and 5 clients!!

Yeah I'm using the user cal.

The SBS came installed on my Dell Poweredge server - just need to add 5 more clients to it.


  911 GTS Cab
i'm not expert ;) but it looks like the wrong product to me.

thats a VUP (version upgrade)

an extra 5 clients you need

depends how you license though, you either license per user or per device so depends how it was set up originally.

per user is good if you have more machines than users (i.e. some users might have more than 1 machine or a laptop and desktop etc) and device cals are for maybe shift work when you have more workers than pc's as 2 people might use the same machine but in shifts etc.

hope that helps.

Confused even more now! because the extra 5 clients is a lot more than the actual server software and 5 clients!!

Yeah I'm using the user cal.

The SBS came installed on my Dell Poweredge server - just need to add 5 more clients to it.
you would have bought OEM, to buy an extra 5 user cals you are looking at this

and yes, the cals are expensive, they include a lot of access and you can't buy oem now as they are extra to a sever that already exists

And yes, I do know my MS very well, you can trust what I am saying.
  Fiesta ST
Confused even more now! because the extra 5 clients is a lot more than the actual server software and 5 clients!!

Yeah I'm using the user cal.

The SBS came installed on my Dell Poweredge server - just need to add 5 more clients to it.
you would have bought OEM, to buy an extra 5 user cals you are looking at this

and yes, the cals are expensive, they include a lot of access and you can't buy oem now as they are extra to a sever that already exists

And yes, I do know my MS very well, you can trust what I am saying.

cheers bud - stopped me buying the wrong one :)
Bless :)

Lets give you a big hug :)


Confused even more now! because the extra 5 clients is a lot more than the actual server software and 5 clients!!

Yeah I'm using the user cal.

The SBS came installed on my Dell Poweredge server - just need to add 5 more clients to it.
you would have bought OEM, to buy an extra 5 user cals you are looking at this

and yes, the cals are expensive, they include a lot of access and you can't buy oem now as they are extra to a sever that already exists

And yes, I do know my MS very well, you can trust what I am saying.


  911 GTS Cab
you were about to sell him the wrong thing above though, typical sales person, sees a sale and doesn't really care whether its the right thing, just want to sell it.

I work for the UK's no.1 MS licensing reseller for a few years in a row now and we pride ourselves on knowing what we are talking about and not just shipping things out, and thats why we continue to be no.1!

its all about finding out what the customer actually needs and matching those needs but I'm used to people just selling anything, I just hope Longy gets the right thing, MS licensing is a fine art and something that really needs an expert to help with as so many people buy the wrong thing without knowing it and even if it may actually work, it might be the wrong thing and illegal etc.

Anyway, hope you got it sorted Longy, if you even need advice let me know.

shut it !!!!!

After speaking to him over the phone, and actually using proper communication, I was able to provide him with the correct product!!! You munchkin!!

Typical sales my ass :) I phoned him, checked all was ok, got him an excellent price, most likely better than urs mr number 1 and also charging him at cost!!! So get over it.

I based the wrong price, on the wrong product as I did not know exactly what was required, however, you can see that i was offering it cheaper to him than if he purchased it himself.......

So pooh !

Plus I dont do sales, I was doing a favour and helping someone else......

Now, isnt Mercedes rough from hollyoaks !


  911 GTS Cab
i didn't offer it to him as we don't deal with small users as we deal with corporates so I didn't want to offer something I couldn't follow through with.

You only called him and checked it was the right product after I had pointed it out as no-one else seemed to pick up on it.

Also, I didn't need to speak to him over the phone to know what item he needed, it was pretty obvious from his initial post.

Doing favours is great and I commend you for that, but when its duff info its worse than not helping at all was the message I was trying to get accross.

The problem with this place is that there are too many 'experts' and its difficult to distinguish between the people that know what they are talking about and the ones that don't, if we could employ a good system then great but at the moment its difficult to do that quickly without it having been there a while.

Anyway, i'll 'stut it' now and get back to providing correct advice where it is needed and staying out of things I know nothing about, which funnily enough is car mechanics!

The Munchkin
ha !!!

I am not an expert, only been in the game 10 months.

Glad you took the munchkin thing on the chin!!!

I phoned him 2 introduce myself too, if he does not buy, it does not matter :)

You are the expert, so will leave it to you :)

Anyways, thanks for replying, and what a gorgeous day!


  911 GTS Cab
i personally hate the heat and am counting the days until the nice cold weather comes back!

If you ever have MS questions you need answering though, you know where i am! ;)
oh just re-read it, i did not use munchkin with a negative connetation, is a word I use daily unfortunately. :S

Will need your help to be honest.

Is 35 x volume licenses office 2007 pro big enough for something you would deal with?

Need to see what prices I can get, maybe you could be a main supplier for the guys here..............
