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Its great getting old!


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
Who's that with old bean? My policy is up in May. Currently paying £697 with 4 years NCB and all mods declared at 24.
  tiTTy & SV650
Admiral sadly, I wanna get away from Elephant / Admiral / Bell Direct this year maybe get someone who doesnt mind mods and covers track days.


ClioSport Club Member
  E92 M3,172 track car
I'm with Flux ATM. I wanted to try Greenlight but I had to renew on a Saturday afternoon after Tesco decided to renew my policy without infomring me and Greenlight close at 12 on a Saturday IIRC.
  tiTTy & SV650
yeah i wanna be prepared this year! so i know who to go with and not end up panic searching. don't even know when mines due lol
not bad, im 25 with 5 years ncb
currently paying 500 for 182 with coilovers, maxogen, stainless exhaust, remap and cobra seats all declared
thats with 250 excess and protected no claims!

the one benefit of getting old lol
I'm with Flux ATM. I wanted to try Greenlight but I had to renew on a Saturday afternoon after Tesco decided to renew my policy without infomring me and Greenlight close at 12 on a Saturday IIRC.

i was with flux last year. i was going to go with greenlight as they beat fluxes renewal price by a lot, but contacted flux with greenlights best offer and they happy beat it for me :)
