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iTunes expert needed

  mk1 clio 1.4sport
Basically my iTunes has just had a funny five minutes and lost it's library (the library files say "damaged").

Now is there a way to roll back to one of the previous library files which would mean i don't have to reload 8000 songs back onto iTunes?

Any help is much appreciated :)
Hey Buddy, This may or may not work for you since I dunno what OS you are using, but on Mac OS X Leopard, under my music folder (MY Music is Windows) then iTunes, I have a folder called "Previous iTunes Libraries" If you look in there (assuming it's there) you will find older copies of the corrupt file. IT won't be most recent, but it's better than no library at all.

I think you either double click the library file or put in the place of the corrupt one.

The official guide is here:
  mk1 clio 1.4sport
kind of worked but only restore 924 songs and i've had more songs than that since before i started using iTunes there's a file called "iTunes Library 2008-08-07.itl" but the only file it lets you import is the .xml file?
check out the official how-to that I posted, I only read it after I posted, their method seems to work
  mk1 clio 1.4sport
Yeh thats what i did but it rolls back soo far that it only re instates 900 songs, think i'm just going to have to use the rubbish weather as an excuse to reload it all back on :(
