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Just a quick one...

  Storm Grey 200
Just collected. Some wheels last night from the powdercoater. Should I polish them quickly then wax. Or can I just put on a zillion layers of 476 straight to the wheel.
  Storm Grey 200
Ok. I'm doing a quick srp followed by many layers of 476. My god waxing OZ F1's is so tedious
If they have been powder coated I am honestly not sure. I know that with some paints/shops you need to let the paint cure naturally, which means no polishing or protecting (waxing or sealing) for about 3 months.
  Megane Trophy, Golf
If they have been powder coated I am honestly not sure. I know that with some paints/shops you need to let the paint cure naturally, which means no polishing or protecting (waxing or sealing) for about 3 months.

+1 What he said ;)
  Storm Grey 200
Meh, I think the wheels are better of with wax on them tbh. I think powdercoating is different to paint in terms of waxing etc
