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Just Brought a Corsa GSI

My bird has finally brought her new car after a month of looking since her little accident in her Xsi.

She has just brought a 1994 Corsa Gsi. Although i am not a corsa fan i have always appreciated the Gsi and can honestly say that i am very impressed with it.

Has anyone else had any experiences with the GSI and how do you rate them?

Any1 know the 0-60 times for the GSI
  Revels Mum & Sister

I think the GSi times are low 9s mate

About the same as Nova Gsi and GTE

GF has a Corsa sport and that aint too bad!

I got a feeling from driving it that it was a little faster than that. She has owned several AX GTs and a 106 xsi and this is deffinatly faster and those are 9s cars.

A mate who has 1 says that they are 8.3, but i think this is a bit of wishfull speaking. I reckon late 8s!


wicked mate, my cuz was after a car (also a girl) and we found her a nice cheap one.

its a late l but got a ecotec engine in it. 1.6 16v and drives really wicked, although its a 16v if feel very much like a 8v if that makes sense. it pulls very hard from low down and u dont have to wind then up like a valver does

not done a top speed run in it but i know the 0-60 is def under 9 secs, it feel really rapid

which color did ur gf girl. we bought a carabic blue one and its the nots. my cuz loves it and often just stands there staring at it lol

good choice of motor, i def rate them
  Revels Mum & Sister

Mine got a black one! Is like a Posh Nova. Well it is hehe. Shares more than an exhaust system!

Had no probs with it in the 7 months! Only changed oil. Passed MOT without any work. Just one faulty wire thats it

Excellent car. Bit slow though!

Cheers Wongy,

My birds is a 95 M Plate in Grey/Silver. Its also got the Ecotec engine. Its covered 64k. It has 2 owners and has recepts for everything since new but no stamped book.

She paid £2850 for it. I was up for £3250.

She was looking for a 306 xsi but i spent ages talking her into the Corsa. I always wanted a GSI for myself but never got one so i thought if i get her to buy 1 then its like i own it.

She wanted the GSI in grey or carabic blue. I hate Corsas but as i said i think these look spot on.

I heard the Cam belt is a problem though and so need to get that checked before long.

Does any1 know of any corsa clubs on the net?

My first car was a GSI number plate was somthing like L** ANL (Anal) which was to my mates amusement. Very nice cars, only thing I found was that they were very oil thirtsy so I would keep an eye on that and as you have mentioned to check the cam belt.

Looks like your girlfriend has found a very nice example from the picture I am sure you both will enjoy it.
  Toureg vW Transporte

ill post a picture of my gfriends later, they are very nice,she put some 17s on lowered it 60mm magnex, k&n and clear rear lights, nice but not over the top, ill post picts and let you decide
