Enjoy it.
I will however point out that others thinking of buying soon. If they can hold off for a few months, do so.
Intel released some proper details of their new CPU's 2 weeks ago, the same new CPU's that are going into the next MBP. Won't be long until they hit the market now. AMD also have new GPU's on the way and have started production on them from what I have heard. Again more than likely going into the next MBP unless they have a falling out with AMD any time soon.
Chances are we will hear something about the next gen MBP around February when the current model is 12 months old. Lot of places are speculating it will be an all new design. No idea on that, more interested in the new CPU and GPU. The CPU is supposed to be rather impressive in terms of performance compared to the current ones.
If you need a laptop now, buy now. If you can wait I think it would be worth waiting if you are more of a power user. If you just sit on the net with it. Anything will do.