I have had an AVX1 and its really good

I am now on my AVX2 and it too is brilliant

The AVX2 has a couple of things the AVX1 didnt have such as the following:
1. Can Fast forward and rewind through MP3 tracks. (AVX1 couldnt do it)
2. Has MP3 resume feature. Starts where you left off on an MP3 after you turn the engine off. (AVX1 starts at the beginning of the track again).
3. Plays DivX .avi files (great for me when I'm waiting for the Mrs to finish work I can watch loads of downloaded South Parks lol.
4. Slightly larger screen 3.5inch proper wide screen 16:9 (AVX1 is 3inch and is slightly to the right of front panel.
5. Both can do "Giga MP3" which means you can put MP3 tracks on a DVD-R/RW. The AVX1 only supports single layer discs which means 4.3GB of MP3s. Thats about 1200 tracks. The AVX2 supports Duel layer discs so take the 1200 and double it.
Dont get me wrong the AVX1 is a brilliant head unit and I enjoyed all the time I spent with it. But I'm still in love with the AVX2
I love downloading or makin my own Music Video DVDs and playing them in the car. Everyone always looks in on the motorway while I'm playing some cool music and the video is on the dash
I saw the new range of JVC stuff thats due to come out within the next six months and OMG!! its looking very tasty! Bringing out some newer versions of the AVX2 with bluetooth and some other stuff on it and also a Navi with a 40GB HDD that looks like the AVX2 but the navi comes up on the 3.5inch screen. Trying to blag a sample for my car as we speak....
Also some head units that have iPod connectors on them already so its just plug and play