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Kind of Newbie from Northants

  Nothing at the mo!
Morning all!
I just thought I'd pop on here and say hello as I've re-signed up after many years (formerly known as Spykee). I previously owned a 2002 172 Cup, which I parted with back in 2007 but am on on the lookout for another Clio again!

My dilemma:

I love the 172 Cup, the colour, the Turnini's, how much more responsive it was compared to a FF BUT I wasn't a fan of the bland interior and as I'm aging, as much as I won't be using the car a lot I'm not sure I can handle a car without aircon! Cups with Aircon are beyond difficult to find, either in blue or silver so...

I'm wondering whether to consider a FF 182 instead with a few tasteful mods as I've seen a nice looking example advertised online.

Main use will be the odd trip here and there around town, some nice B road blasts and a few track days each year.
