how much does it cost roughly to get a full kit painted (metaillic) and fitted?
M mikesclio Jul 29, 2003 #1 how much does it cost roughly to get a full kit painted (metaillic) and fitted?
C Charlie Jul 29, 2003 #2 fit the kit yourself....much much cheaper. painting would cost a few hundred prob - but you can do the paintin yurself as well..
fit the kit yourself....much much cheaper. painting would cost a few hundred prob - but you can do the paintin yurself as well..
Daz Jul 29, 2003 #3 Full Fitting - Spraying at a bodyshop is about £800 - £900.. As for just painting, Im guessing about £450
Full Fitting - Spraying at a bodyshop is about £800 - £900.. As for just painting, Im guessing about £450
S steve_rt Jul 29, 2003 #4 painting yourelf?! ive seen some DIY attempts, they look sh*t after a very short amount of time!
1 1.6 16v Aug 4, 2003 #5 800-900? depends on which kit i guess-painting around 250, fitting lets say 6 hours at £25ph thats 150 under £500 no probs
800-900? depends on which kit i guess-painting around 250, fitting lets say 6 hours at £25ph thats 150 under £500 no probs
Soneji 19 16V Aug 4, 2003 #6 How much should you look to pay for a respray? Normal car normal White paint?