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Laguna V6 new key card help?

My dad bought his Laguna v6 about 3 weeks ago now and Its only got one keycard so was wondering if anyone knows how much a new Keycard for it will be?
We know it will be steep as its gotta come from Ren but just wondered if anyone knew?


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Renault will charge you £120 supplied and fitted. That includes a new blade aswell.
Cheers for the info guys, My dad rang Ren Leicester up to see how much they said £110+VAT so its around about £120ish so we'll have a spare soon. But it takes them a week or two because you take the car in and they copy the card and then send it off to be programmed and so on
  cooper s full areo kit...
never did when i got a new key, got the key in with the right blade and programmed it in through their comp into the ECU...
