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Laptop for sat nav

Does anyone have any experiance using a laptop with a GPS reciever as a sat nav system? Or can anyone offer any advice.

I need sat nav with European maps so the Tom Tom 500 is my only option but at £450 I could get a laptop and Gps reciver and a laptops more use than just a Gps system.

Infomap Navigator Europe was good.. Destinator was also good when I used it.

They dont come close to a TomTom Go tho.. so dunno.

I have a GPS receiver I could sell (Does NMEA and SiRF binary) - never been used (well, for 5 mins then I put it back in box :()

My advice tho, is get a TomTom Go.. they really are good. I didnt get on 100% with the PC solution.
  Clio V6 255

I think it would depend on how often you plan on using it. If you plan on using it once every 2 months when youre going somewhere out of the ordinary rather than the usual trip to work then I personally couldnt warrant paying for a TomTom, and I am thinking of the laptop route as it is far more cost effective.
