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LED Wiring

  Clio 1.4RT
Found no actual threads with explanations so:
Got a couple of LED strips with +ive and -ive on them, how to wire them to a swich or to my sidelights/headlights?? tutorials would be great. Where would i get a swich??
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
what switch do u want them to work with ? if u want then to come on when you turn the front fog lights on, just wire them up to the fornt fog lights, they are led, so the wire will only work one way around, so if they don't work , then wire them up the other way around
  Clio 1.4RT
Getting a swich i guess requires a lot of work and money, fuses etc.
i tried interior light but i couldnt have the led on permanent, it worked when the doors opened thats all, and turned off. 98-01 clio.
  Ultra 197 ex 172 Cup
just cut the wire, or cable crimp, your led wires to the fog light wires, behing the wheel / fog light, don't bother messing around inside the car,
  Clio 1.4RT
No longer working from the ciggy!
Im gonna try the head unit, which wires do the positive and negative go to? thanks,
just this questioned answered and im on my way hehe
  Clio 1.4RT
Ok cheers mate,
Basically im gonna wire a strip of led's to my HU wires as it is a perfect place to do it rite?
Low power needed too, But which wires on the head unit, do the positive and negative on the led's go to?? Thanks Andy


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
well the LEDS will have a pos and neg (+ and-) normally red pos and black neg.

so pos to pos and neg to neg
  Clio 1.4RT
summat bout temporary battery memory to connect it to mayb,
iv got the two wires on the led strips, no probs, but its finding the correct wires to attach the t junction connection to.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
ummm right, well that could make things hard as your gona need to find the pos and neg. find a spec sheet for the radio and find where the pos and neg go???

also you will prob wana put another switch in so the leds arent on all the time
  Clio 1.4RT
it shudnt matter if there on all the time really, thats getting back to the problem i started with then, wiring for a swich would be difficult also.
thanks neway, will try and find the pos and neg on the hu wies then.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
a switch is a peice of piss!!

cause it will matter if the leds are on all the time, what if the police pull you over?

next step for you is to find the wires that are pos and neg on the radio
  Polo + Micra
pos wires will be either red or yellow

or you might have an orange one the will become live when your head lights are on
  Clio 1.4RT
Led's under the dash are legal i here. so positive to the red or yellow and the negative to the yellow or red, visa versa.
  Clio 1.4RT
i was gonna use the cig plug but i means they are on constant rite? Dunno never tried it (due to not smoking).
Or does it only swich on with the ignition?


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
they switch off with ignition, but like i said just put a switch in. solves all problems
  Clio 1.4RT
Looks promising then, Rite overall the best solution is to go for the 12v ciggy plug as it turns off with the ignition.
I would have connected it to the interior light but it turned off when you turned the light on, but worked when the doors opened.
Thanks for your help, will ge that sorted, and get sum piks.


ClioSport Club Member
  clio 182
you could put a plug on the end, so you plug the lights into the cig lighter. thats what i did on my old car
