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Light Sensor and Tint

  2015 Audi S3 Stage 3

you know on the dynamique model which has the light and rain sensor built into the rear view mirror?

well has anyone got a tinted sunstrip over theirs?

does it change the settings of the sensor or alter it in anyway? eg does it make it think its darker earlier in the day??

  Ford Fiesta

if you put it over the outside I owuld have thought it will make the lights come on all the time, ifs its a dark one.
  2015 Audi S3 Stage 3

well say its put on the ouside - its going to be the lightest tint think 35%

but will it not be a hassle for the guy to put it on the inside with it in the way??
  Ford Fiesta

yes I would have thought so, if it covers the sensor it is going to make the lights come on all the time or if not a lot earlier.
  2015 Audi S3 Stage 3

ill have to ask a tinter to see wot he recomends!

scots_clio - u can have a tinted sunstrip which is wot i said up above
  GDI ???BHP Cliosport172

As far as im aware&the way the law state-no-the front window being tinted which is totally against the law,but a sunstrip in fine-as long as it contains no writing otherwise it can cause your car to fail the m.o.t! Dont ask me why-its just what ive heard!
  2015 Audi S3 Stage 3

wot im getting is fine and legal - its see through and will be interior so doesnt affect the window wipers

all i wanted to know was has anyone got a tinted sunstrip on their clio which has the sensor on it? or is it a hassle to remove and put back?
  Ford Fiesta

yeah you could ask, either that or dont use your auto lights, but I wouldnt wanna lose that feature.
