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Logitech G15 v2 keyboard

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
...turned up this morning. :D (crappy iPhone pic)


It doesn't 'feel' as solid at the v1 keyboard - and that had a great rubberized coating on it. The display panel doesn't move either, whereas the original one you could adjust - a bit of a pain as the light from the Velux window just hits the screen, making it almost unreadable.

Still, time to give it a quick try before I nip out. L4D2 is now loading.... :)

  172 and vw passat
I was tempted on getting this one but i think il stick to the older model as i dont see a big improvement :(

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Ooooh its back lit.

Is that display a WPM counter?

There might be an app for that m8, but I mainly use it for running FRAPs. Gives me a dynamic frames per sec rating in the games. Plus a fair few games have display patches built into them - so stats like ammo, map directions, etc are on display during the game.

Is also works with Max OSX.... ;),en?osid=9

I was tempted on getting this one but i think il stick to the older model as i dont see a big improvement :(

Personally m8, if you've got a working v1 keyboard - I wouldn't bother. The first version to me both looks and feels nicer - if a little on the large side. I only ordered the v2 board after breaking my original one trying to clean it. :eek: I'd got s**t spilt onto it and these things simply aren't designed to be taken apart, I think!

I did look at the Logitech G19 keyboard with full colour display. But feck paying £120+ for a keyboard alone!

