182 Cup
Been lurking on here for a couple of years biding my time looking at fun cars till I can actually afford one. Going to be looking at a 172 ph2 as I'm only looking to spend a couple of grand. It's mainly to get me to and from work (mostly nice ish a-roads) and perhaps some track days when I have the spare cash.
I've read the buying guide so theoretically know what to look for now, will be having it on my phone when I'm looking at them too
One question I have is R.E Cambelt, I'm no stranger to spanners being as I'm a mech fitter in a power station, so with the right set of locking tools how hard is the Cambelt to do providing the timing isn't out already? Also cost on the locking tools and if there's a decent workshop manual out there for these (like the bentley ones but I've already looked there and they don't appear to do French cars:boring
Been lurking on here for a couple of years biding my time looking at fun cars till I can actually afford one. Going to be looking at a 172 ph2 as I'm only looking to spend a couple of grand. It's mainly to get me to and from work (mostly nice ish a-roads) and perhaps some track days when I have the spare cash.
I've read the buying guide so theoretically know what to look for now, will be having it on my phone when I'm looking at them too
One question I have is R.E Cambelt, I'm no stranger to spanners being as I'm a mech fitter in a power station, so with the right set of locking tools how hard is the Cambelt to do providing the timing isn't out already? Also cost on the locking tools and if there's a decent workshop manual out there for these (like the bentley ones but I've already looked there and they don't appear to do French cars:boring