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lowering a rt what to get and where


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

right i have an rt and i neeeeeeeed it lowered its on 15s and needs it badly.

1 what shocks should i get

2 where from i need places people as i cant find anywhere myself.

  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

Ive got Apex shocks at the back and KYB at the front. Its obviously a lot firmer than before but not uncomfortable.

If your just looking for a place to buy from then Id recommend Carnoisseur in Southend as you get a discount and the service is excellent.

Oh, and make sure that you measure the distance between the two bolts at the bottom of your front shocks before ordering. It should be either 52 or 54mm, measure it as many times as you have to to make sure that its right. I got it wrong and it pissed me off no end!!!



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

do willy or 16v shocks fit on rts as k tec have a wicked deal on some coil overs for the willy .


coil overs are an interring item..

the first thing is WHY ???...

there is only ONE main reason for coil overs - to allow std size race springs to be used... but, this doesnt apply to a road car.... so.. the other one is simply to allow adjustment... of height.... but once you set it, itrs done.. so you might as well just buy the right springs in the first place.....:confused:

again, on a race car, the corner weights can be finely tuned.. not applicable to a road car again though...

so.. they allow height adjustment, absolutely no other gain at all...



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

um well if u can find me a ready made spring that is 50mm drop at front then i will go with that im after a big drop that is why i was interested in coilovers, and i dont want to faff around with heating springs.


does suspention for 16vs and willys fit a rt??

use a welding torch m8.. costs nothing.. any height ya want.. just heat the bottom of the coil as it starts to rise and it will sag under its own weight..



Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
  Lazy v8

i said i dont want to do that

i just want a kit that is there and dont need fussin.

  Skoda Fabia vRS

Captain, ur bein a bit funny about this suspension business, the main reason for coil over IS adjustability yes, but just because you set it when you buy it doesnt mean your gonna leave it at that, you might go on a track day and want to adjust it

you also might want to adjust it because of scrubbing, this is somethin u can guess at but would probably need fine tuning

settings are personal preference !!!
