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M2 Ph1 Air Con Back Lights

  White Sti Hatch
Ever since ive had the car ive had the probelm with the back light for the AC controles before they used to come on after a while but now they dont come on at all can it be a Fuse that has gone ?? or if not is there a way that i can get behind a replace the bulb if possible, if so do i have to remove all the dash board ?
its more than likely the bulb that's gone.

its a royal bugger to get behind there without removing the dash, but possible.
  White Sti Hatch
So what do i have to remove and where can i get a bulb because its annoying me like hell not being able to see what the hell im doing without having to put the cars interior light on :/

Do i have to remove the full dash or can i just take off the part where the AC controles are ?
  White Sti Hatch
Oh well looks like im dismanteling my car at the weekend, You know what size etc etc it is so as i know what to go get before i destroy the dash ?

Why should i remember that lol ?
  White Sti Hatch
lol a see now i get you lol....

Its not so much the heat but the setting like Heat window feet blah blah
