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m3 mirror wiring

  172 M69 eater

got a set of m3 mirrors and i know where i want to connect the wires to in the fusebox but how do i get the mirror wire into the fusebox if i have manual mirrors?

please help!!


edited - they have indicators - dont think that was too clear but thats wot i wanna wire in!!

You just run the wire from the indicators on your wings.

Thats what they say, anyway - sounds easier than going to the fusebox and trying to get into the relay!
  172 M69 eater

apprently theres a temp sensor someone has jus told me on the one door u can use but i aint that brave!! hmm nervermind think i mite jus chuck it in a local leccie place and say

sort it b*tch!

Temp Sensor? Thats only on the 16v/Williams I believe.

Its very simple, even Id have a go - You just get the wires from the wings to the door mirrors - I saw a guide somewhere not long ago - Leccy place might charge quite a bit to do it!

