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MAC codes

Decided I'm just going to switch internet providers because the one I'm currently with is rubbish. So I rang them requesting a MAC code so I can switch over hassle free. I was told it takes up to 5 days for a code to be generated and I'll receive it via an email.

Is that true it takes up to 5 days or are they just fobbing me off? I was under the impression they'd give you the code over the phone.


I think they have to say that but you will maybe find you get it in a couple of hours!
Well it's been abit longer than a couple of hours but we'll see. I'm not optimistic though after reading some of the stories I've read about AOL and giving out MAC codes. If I don't get one soon I'll just ring them up and cancel their service and do without the internet for a while until I can get a new one set up.

At 1st AOL was fine, was getting 4mbs (not brilliant but sufficient for what I need it for) AOL told me before my line is only capable of 0.5mbs :S and I've just done a speed test and got 0.9mbs. Pathetic :dead:


Well it's been abit longer than a couple of hours but we'll see. I'm not optimistic though after reading some of the stories I've read about AOL and giving out MAC codes. If I don't get one soon I'll just ring them up and cancel their service and do without the internet for a while until I can get a new one set up.

At 1st AOL was fine, was getting 4mbs (not brilliant but sufficient for what I need it for) AOL told me before my line is only capable of 0.5mbs :S and I've just done a speed test and got 0.9mbs. Pathetic :dead:

When I cancelled my AOL last month it only took a few hours for the MAC code to be emailed to me.

Any luck yet?
When I cancelled my AOL last month it only took a few hours for the MAC code to be emailed to me.

Any luck yet?

Nope, not yet but it was this Saturday I rang for it so perhaps with it being a non-working day has caused the delay? Anyway I'll give them the 5 working days they said and if it's a no show I'll be ringing them again and reminding them it's illegal not to provide me with one.
