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Macbook Pro Problem


ClioSport Club Member
Got an issue with my MBP.

Some websites simply don't work, the clearest example is the opie oils website. It won't allow me to add items to my basket at all, and won't allow me to use various other functions of the site such as different sized oil bottles once in a product's screen.

This happens on safari, firefox and chrome. I'm running Lion, and its a 2011 MBP.

Tried the iMac and the site runs perfectly.

Does anyone know what might be causing this?

One thing I have noticed, all websites that are affected have errors which show up in the activity window as:

Or similar to that, saying could not connect to server.
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  Ibiza FR
Did you try the website on your iMac at exactly the same time?

There may have been a problem with the Google CDN at the time you were on your Macbook Pro, so jQuery couldn't download.
This is a Javascript extension that a lot of websites use to add extra functionality, and is used in most commerce websites for the basket.

If it is a constant issue, have you added anything to the hosts file recently that may stop your computer communicating with servers?
(Sometimes from dodgy software ;) )

Try going to that address and you should see a load of code starting with this -

* jQuery JavaScript Library v1.5.1 *

Basically it sounds like either Google's CDN that jQuery is stored on was down, or something on your computer isn't letting you download it from the server.


ClioSport Club Member
Its an ongoing issue, been doing it a while now.

I've not messed with anything on the MBP, its strange that it effects all the browsers though.

Dont have any dodgy software that I know of, everything is MS/Adobe or downloaded from the app store.


ClioSport Club Member
Fixed it, I never checked the hosts file but your right, I was experimenting with some software and had altered the host file to suit.

Doesn't matter anymore since the software I was experimenting with isn't compatible with lion so just removed the line and it all works :)

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