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Macbook Pro Temp

  Clio 182
Anyone tell me how hot a uniboby macbook pro is supose to run, i have one and when im running games ect the cpu temp can get upto 88C, i know ive read alot saying they do run hot but i know many users have macbooks on here and would like to know your opinions.

  133, 182, Kangoo 182
When it's not so busy in our showroom I'll take a look at the ones in there for you. CPU temp does rise quickly and depending on what you're doing they can stay pretty hot so it's probably not something to be too worried about. Does seem a little high though.. maybe just let it sit for a while and see.
  Clio 182
Thankyou all, when im just surfing the net it sits around 50c, the mac world is new to me ive always been windows with cooling vents on the bottom of laptops so find it unusual to see the macbook pro with only the exhaust vents when teh lcd hinges to the body.
  133, 182, Kangoo 182
It sucks cool air through the gaps where the keys are so there is air flow through the laptop :)

50'c seems about right for a CPU.

Good choice with the MBP by the way :)
  Clio 182
Yeah must admit i do love my MBP i always said i wouldnt have one until i bought my son one and when i used it i needed to buy one :)
