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Matt vs Gloss

A while ago, I bought a 2nd hand Cup/Trophy splitter for my 172. About a month ago, it developed a crack, which must have been the result of coming into contact with a kerb.

I'm now looking at getting a CF one from K-Tec as they look better than the standard Cup ones and are quite a lot cheaper. So which one do you recommend I go for... matt or gloss?


ClioSport Club Member
I like gloss personally but depends on the colour of your car too

TBH with postage the K-TEC CF splitters aren't a great deal cheaper than the genuine cup spitter

If you buy from ktec through ebay its under £100 delivered
I'm not a ClioSport member so the price will be as per the website. And... I'm not "that" far from them so I'll probably just drive down there and pick it up. I think P&P is around £20 and I'm pretty sure I can get there and back for less than £20.

I was given a price of £165.01 for a standard Cup splitter direct from Renault. I have a friend who can sort out some discount for me so I could get it for £132.00, which is still approx. £22.00 more expensive than a (nicer) CF one.

I suppose I better work out the fuel used getting to/from K-Tec and then work that out against the Cup one from Renault.

Oh... and I have a silver Ph2 172...

that will snap if u hit anything as the front end will seem lower , thats why i would never buy one as i know i would snap it
After all that, I may now be going for a normal (Cup) splitter direct from Renault as the price I'd pay on either postage from K-Tec or me spending the money on fuel to get there and back, it's the same price as getting one from Renault and I like the subtle/standard look :)
