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Minor but also major issue...!

  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP

a problem brought itself to my attention just as i was going through a speed camera... My Speedo wasnt working... ARRRGH

Then i said bye to the wife who was on the phone (via a CK3200 Parrot) and within 10 seconds my speedo was working again...

So i tested it, When i turned the Parrot's knob, the speedo died when it spoke through the speakers, when it finished talking the speedo would recover within 10 seconds.

Does anyone know why on earth the parrot talking via the speakers would possibly be killing the speedo?

Its a very odd issue.
  Mazda3 2.2D 185BHP

For future refrence if anyone else has this issue.

I solved the issue by changing it from Mute 1 to Mute 2 on the wires.

Problem solved!
