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Mk1 body kit on a mk2 ph1?

  Clio 172 PH1
Hi chaps, does anyone know if a mk1 kit will fit a mk2 ph1, also would a ph2 kit fit a ph1? I've seen one on eBay cheap and can't find any cheap ones for the ph1, does anyone know if one is for sale on here anywhere?
  Clio 172 PH1
Not sure, it's on EBay, blue front and back bumpers, I'd post a link but not sure how to do it on my phone.


ClioSport Club Member
  Focus ST225, Focus E
Nothing from a Mk1 will fit a mk2.

You can make stuff from the ph2 fit a ph1 but takes a bit of work.. only seen it done twice.
  Mk3 clio 1.5
think you may be getting confused between mk's and ph's a mk1 is completly a differnt shell to a mk2. and a mk2 ph1 and mk2 ph2 wont fit becuase of the face lift and grill differnce.
