****"Please dont go down the route of worshipping F1 as if their technology and their engine design is so radically different from a fast road car, its not, they use internal combustion engines just the same as I do, and my car is capable of 140mph and a decent ram effect. I will concur that for the effect to work properly you need a relatively short induction tract from the scoop to the air filter and the filter to the throttle body. You also need a properly shaped ram-scoop, forward facing into the airflow where it is not affected by through the engine bay airflow issues. A bit of pipe sticking out at the bottom of the engine bay will not do it. That system I described is what I have, and I can guarantee it works. Obviously at 30mph it makes no difference but at 75mph and upwards you can clearly see the air/ fuel ratios going gradually leaner and leaner in direct relationship to the road speed. I compensated for this by adjusting my fuel pressure and having my fuelling reprogrammed." ******
Ok, the F1 bit first.. I dont worship (too much) their technology, but the induction / exhaust characteristics and design are NOWHERE near that of a humble clio on and EFI system.. ie - Slide / roller barrels on a tuned tract inlet optimised for the main power band - which is achieved at airflow rates that the clio couldnt even smile at The f1 units also live in the rear of the vehicle in turbulent air.
A modern f1 runs (usually) 10 cylinder units at 750-800 Bhp. this is supplied to open tract inlets (as I say above with tuned, individual tracts.. often the fuel injector is upstream of the tract depending on the power requirements and input tuned length) Here, a steady state flow is WHAT is required, not a misconstrued pressure increase, its a pressure STABILITY effect).. and agai, nope, that doesnt correspond to any normal clio in the wild....
******"In no way do I argue that air pressure will drastically increase at speed under the bonnet...of course it wont, there isnt a decent exhaust route there so why should it? This is the very reason why Ive always said that cold air feeds to induction kits dont work." *************
I actually DO believe that cold air feeds actually work PROVIDING the pipework does not upset the inlet tract.
*****"Contrary to what you say though, Im certain that if you connected a simple 90 degree elbow to the throttle body, with a funnel shaped inlet tract and then half way down it you put in a K&N flat filter and then at the end of it it opened out into a foot wide mouth, you *would* have a very noticeable ram-air effect. However on the front of the bonnet it would need to be a big collector. In another location, less impeded by the aerodynamics of the car, you could get away with a smaller inlet scoop - eg the one you can get for the Lotus 340 which sticks out into the airflow, or look at the Evo 6 Mak - ram scoop on the offside of the bumper - or my ram scoop right over in the furthest bottom corner of the bumper."**********
this is more for colder, denser air, as opposed to any ram effect.. although the customers like to see little wizzard bits on their exotic purchace
******"Finally Joe, the reason why it isnt used by manufacturers as standard is that its impractical for standard paper filters which arent tough enough to withstand the road muck and water that will be drawn in, and it would be a disaster if you drove through a ford. Its nothing to do with it not working. I have to clean my element every few thousand miles and it is pretty filthy every time. Most people just take their car to the garage and they replace the filter element for them. Thats why manufacturers of normal road cars dont use ram-effect induction." ***********