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More Torque!


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Top speed is irrelivant to me really as Im satisfied (at the moment!) with it.

Whats the best way to get the power before the "magic 4500"?

I know it sounds silly but I miss the RTs little surges at 3000!

you got a 2ltr engine and its comming on cam at 4500!?

what cam have you got?

If its wild, why not just downgrade to a cam with equal lift and less duration and a wider LCA?

But if you havent had your head ported, get one........itll perk it up all over the rev range.

Incidentally, i happen to provide gasflowed heads. :D

Please PM me for details if interested.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC

Sorry I should have stated for the 1.8 engine - My brothers is a standard valver!

Am I right in thinking if he got a Turbo it wouldnt come on song till 4500? If so then how do you get the power earlier on the 1.8 to then in turn get the the Turbo kick quicker?

Doh! Should really read through before I post!

the 1.8 and its design make it naturall peaky, you cant do anything to gain lower torque apart form leave the cam as it is and increase breathing efficiency via headowork, its honestly the only thing you can do at the moment, unless you want to use N20.

Turbo, if you want it to come on earlier, use a smaller turbo.
