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MP3 car stereo compatible with steering controls

  Clio 1.4 RT

I'm new here so don't know if this has been asked before.

I have a Clio 1.4 RT S reg and have been told by a garage which does electrical work that a new MP3 car stereo is not compatible with the steering controls unless I buy one from Renault and get them to fit it. I find this hard to believe apart from Renault wanting to monopolise on this market. Can anyone confirm this or otherwise?

There a few ways round it there are apapters for loads of steroes you plug them in and they adapt the signal for your remote.
Or change the remote unit to another type designed for the stereo.
  2001 Ph1 172
yeah mate wot brand of stereo r u after all major brands have adaports theses days!!!
  Clio 1.4 RT
I haven't decided yet but may go for Ripspeed CMR 2000. Is this any good or can you recommend any others which are SD and USB compatible?
  2001 Ph1 172
u cant get steering wheel controls for the ripspeed stuff! it has loads of features for the money! Kenwood do loads of usb stuff at the mo!
not true , as long as you do the research 1st , some new mp3 player have the facility to accomodate the steering wheel control , an extra lead normally around 30/40 pounds .

sony xplod mp3 player (mine )
  Leon Cupra R 225
adaptors off caraudiodirect or

someone like that will have the right adaptor cable
  Clio 1.4 RT
thanks I will be looking into this. On a slightly different note is there any other way of downloading music onto an SD card from a computer apart from using a card reader?
Some printers have card readers in them, or you could put it in a phone or mp3 player that takes them and hook that up to the computer, other than that no not really.
