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MSN 7.5 Problem

  tiTTy & SV650
Basically when I'm online, people can't see me as online even though I'm signed in as online. And if I'm already talking to people they might not be able to see me and so cant message me!

Anyone got a solution?

Cheers, Rory
  Not a Clio
there was another thread about this.

Try logging in and out a few times - I believe that worked for someone.
  tiTTy & SV650
_simon_ said:
there was another thread about this.

Try logging in and out a few times - I believe that worked for someone.

cheers, i did a search but obviously not a very good one...

Have logged in and out many times, grrrr

If only google did instant messaging, or carlsberg....
  tiTTy & SV650
cool, people can see me now apparently! how random, cheers anyway.

Probably the richest man in the world....
