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My Neon Confusion

  1.4 Maxim (Breaking!)

When i bought my car i was told it had red undercar neons on it, so i looked underneath it and there they was, bulbs on either side of the car, however i was also told they were not connected and that this was the wire their connected to.

I have no idea what on earth this plug looking thing connects into lol but there are 2 in the car, probably for each neon.

Here's a pic, please i would love to connect these babies up.

  1.6 focus zetec....
I'll say it before the other sharks get here.....just rip them off!!! I know its coming up to x-mas but just decorate your tree ;)

  1.4 Maxim (Breaking!)
Erm no thanks im going to keep them, maybe i'll ditch them after i see them working, i don't want to ditch anything before seeing it working.

What is an inverter? Does the plug connect into it? Has to be someone who knows.
  Polo + Micra
an inverter is used to turn dc into an ac waveform at around 400Hz

wouldn't know where you would get one from though
look for a female end of that plug under the car somewhere?

maybe the owner just disconnected them before selling the car, and you need to plug them back in somewhere. Its unlikely the owner took out the inverter...
  1.4 Maxim (Breaking!)
Hmm Well the wire isnt very long and i found the wires underneath the seat so maybe somethings under there?

Anyone got a pic of a inverter so i can maybe see what im looking for? If he really has taken away the inverter anybody know what kind of £££ we talking?
  1.4 Maxim (Breaking!)
What on earth is one of those lol, i didn't think electric wires were connected to the seatbelts? I don't have origonal Clio seats, i have got Racing Bucket Seats, so maybe the lead connected into old seats?

If that really is the case then where is the leads for the neons lol.
  1.6 focus zetec....
Under the car or somewhere near the battery??? Folow the wires from the neons and see where they go!!

  1.4 Maxim (Breaking!)
Okay this morning i went straight down to my car , got my head underneath it and followed the leads, the reason i couldnt find them is that they were behind a panel below my door hidden and yes, disconnected. (The wires are cut straight)

The right side has 2 of these wires and left side has one lol but for any of you who know about neons or have some, any ideas to where these connect?


  mk2 ph1
With the amount of wires i would still say they would have to go to a control box. Pretty much all the neons ive ever seen have to go to an invertor for them to work, and not go up in smoke lol. Look under the engine bay for something near the battery that they could plug into. If theres no invertor your prob best of just buying another pair, you said theres only a bar on each side anyway didnt you? will look a bit poo with just the sides lite up
