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NCB's expiring?

  Suzuki SV650
Trying to put this in simple terms, I've got (or had) 1 yrs NCB with CIS, then I switched to Natwest, got 1 yrs NCB with them, then went to Tesco for 2 years and so got 2 yrs NCB with them... Went away travelling for ages (been prob about a year & a half since my insurance expired with Tesco), and when I rang up for a quote the other night, saying I had 4 yrs NCB, she said I only had two because the first two years (with CIS & Natwest) would have expired.

So er whats going on? I thought the whole point of not claming was to build up me NCB, if they expire after two years whats the friggin point of shopping around for car insurance.

Thanks, and have a nice day



  RS 182 - Black Gold
Thats wrong.

You had accumilated 4 years.
From the date your last insurance expired. You should have 2 years to re-use them IIRC.

After 2 years you would loose them all.
