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Need help asap (road angel 2)

  Clio 172
Got my road angel 2 the other day and registered (takes one day)

When I click to get updates it says error locating details of device... contact blackspot.

Can anyone help please?
  BMW M3
err.. not too sure mate. Did you enter the unique RA2 product code on the bottom correctly? Ive got one and it regester in a bout 5 hours no probs.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
right you have a few possibilites....

a) as mentioned have you correctly enetered the product code from the unit

b) just an error on blackspots end in that case contact them and ask

c) you have baught a unit which has already been registered

d) its a stolen unit or not purchased from an authorised dealer so will not work.
check your software installation, USB drivers, and make sure windows finds it.
just in case its "your" side.

and did you buy it second hand?


  RS 182 - Black Gold
clio-16-valver said:
Ok people bad news. Found out today I bought a stolen unit!

Pissed off.

As per my PM sorry to hear that dude.

* Just a note to people reading this*

Be careful :headno: when buying such equipment from ebay and other non authorised resellers. This is the reason why there is a network in place.

I know the £££ svaing on such places like ebay are good but you can end up with a defective unit. :banghead:

C16v - PM me if u need more info.
  Clio 172
V important update: Road angel was NOT stolen! The guy I got it from phoned them today and they said oh we are so sorry but its actually fine.... we will unlock it now! When they told me yesterday it was fooked... I am writing a letter of complaint to them as this is shocking! Gd all has ended up well in the end.
