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  Clio v6

Under estimate the abilities of a Williams.

They go like stink LOL.

Had a wee race with one last night. I almost had to go back into 5th to get clear of it. I think we both pissed of that Mundano, he kept his full beam on me too. Then again we shouldnt use the public roads as our own wee private track:oops:

Looks are very decieving though, when the Willy was going up the road that I just turned into, I thought Wow! look at that thing fly ( no point even trying to catch up ) and doubt if I would have, less junction hold ups.

As we indicated to have a play I then realised that I too must be going like the clappers, given that I would have been halfway through his car had I not backed off.

Plenty of thumbs up and a few grins all round. If you are a Cliosport member come on and say Hi and tell us all how it seemed for you. I know I am very, very impressed with the Williams 3 now:D
