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New Guy

  MK2 PH1 172
aright guys im matt, Never been a fan of french cars until i got my MK2 PH1 172.. but now im a believer.. hope to see you all on the 30th of july! :)
  MK2 PH1 172
does anyone know how difficult it is to do a phase 2 dashboard conversion , a mate wants to put in either 172 or 182 interior into his phase 1.. any ideas?


South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
^ FLOL .. ask the man above you..

He'll even come and do it for you, as he enjoyed swapping his over SOOOOOOO much !

PS: Welcome !
  MK2 PH1 172
No No No ! would rather help my mate for the experience !:approve: Just wondering how difficult it may be?


ClioSport Moderator
How funny that of all the people I have posted hello to, I posted hello to you and you asked that....

If you join and become a full member, you'll be able to see my guide.

I've literally just done the conversion and written it. It's an ok process, with various sticking points, all of which are covered in my guide :D

It takes a while, and despite what he^ says, I did quite enjoy it, just not the hangover I was trying to do it with.

Seats and all plastics are a direct bolt in. The only thing that is even a slight bit tricky is the dash itself.
