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New install

  A well built VW
Just reset computer back to factory setting everything is running fine but i kep getting pop ups telling me the registry needs fixed Im looking for a program thats free to download and use but cant find any

Can you help
  Mégane RS
take it to the dealers, te comp will tell you loads of crap lol like oil change time etc
  A well built VW
Yeah Vinny but i have wiped the hard drive and used the discs supplied by compaq so everything should be ok - you'd think
  Monaro VXR
Is it actually windows saying the registry has a problem seems odd to me. There is a few bits of adware that say your registry ahs a problem though not picked up something from the net have you?
  Ph1 172 / Ph1 Valver
Windows won't warn you that you have registry problems, they'll be adverts from companies. Install the Google pop up bar, adaware (, and spybot search and destroy. Make sure you have up to date anti-virus too while you're at it. You'll be surprised how much they find and fix for you :D
  A well built VW
Ive already got spybot and ad aware - first 2 things i installed along with AVG must need to check my setttings on them (not that i know what im looking for )
