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New interior

  mk2 ph2 1.2 16v
Fitted ma new interior the day!





Thanks niel

just wondered if any body know's how 2 wire up the airbag sensors under the seats as 1 connector is differnt?
  B-road bully
theirs a guide sumwere.. think u need to crimp them 2gether or sumthink?

was it hard to fit? did u have to take the seats out from the bolts underneath the car?
  Chocolate Bar™
having troulbe with my front seats as well.

have followed eddes guide, and have just one more set of wires to connect together. the lights still on tho :dapprove:

you need to go maplins and buy some resistors, then connect the cables together that are in pairs in the connector blocks.
  B-road bully
cool im tryin to get some myself but they all have airbags exploded in the salvage yards, its bout £200+ to repair one seat! try go to a professional as u dont wana make a mistake with that..
  Chocolate Bar™
its quite safe, as you dont actually do anything to the wires coming from the seat. only the wires from the car


  V6, Trackhawk, GTS
I can Smell Neil a mile away! Beefy seats! lol

Nice one mate, Nice touch.
  RS Megane DCi 175
I found the connectors the hardest thing about swapping interiors!
The one with the little red release clip is a b**ch...took me about 20mins to figure out how to disconnect that lot.
I can do it, but it's too hard to explain really, esp without pics etc.

Looks cool though mate, I'd look out some door cards next to finish it off.
  Golf GTI 1.8T
Defo needs some door cards but doesnt look too bad with that colour cloth you have...

I just twisted the wires together under the seat, but you need to work out what goes to what. To do this I asked a bloke at renault, but I do need to re do them as one is a bit loose and the light comes on sometimes.
  mk2 ph2 1.2 16v
I was thinkin of just retriming the door card to match the alcantara on the seats!

Will go along and ask at renault then solder the wires together cheers
  B-road bully
argh i want one so bad, but ther so rare to find in one piece, n its a risk collecting parts..
