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new member from west sussex!

  Clio 182

bought a 182 a week or so ago. came on here to find how to fix the cruise control switch and had it sorted after 10 minutes!

also just had SERV, ESP and ABS lights come on and have found out what may fix that so will give it a try if problem comes back.

thought I'd join up to say thanks!
  LY R26 #288
Hi mate and welcome.

Good to see some more local members. Where in Sussex you from? I'm from Bognor.

Pics of the car?
  Clio 182
from over near East Grinstead mate.

I have a couple of pictures from the autotrader ad, should really take some more now its been cleaned up a bit more throughly!



still getting used to the forum so have no idea if thats the correct way to post pictures lol
  Clio 182
its a silver 04 plate, bought it privately from over near bluewater.

appears that hasn't worked, will have another go at posting pictures in a second
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
Howdi to the local boys.
more around than i realised.

we are in Copthorne and have a Black/Gold '05 plate 182.

good fun arnt they ;)
  Clio 182
yer I will have to keep a look out in the local meets section!

how long have you had yours for kelv? I remember seeing a black/gold 182 a few times in Copthorne last summer but cant remember the reg.

yer definitely, still getting used to the large amounts of grip in comparison to my old car, may have to take it on a track day to see what it can really do!
  XC90, 330d, Trophy’s
Weve had ours since last November, initially to be the misses daily car, but about 2 weeks back that all started to change.
Just returned from a ring trip and the car was more than competent and begging to be pushed harder and wanting more goodies to be lavished upon it, lol.

Ours has been on a private plate since we got it, K16 ### if you spot it ;)
