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New member.. in a spot of trouble!

  clio sport 182
Hi all,

This is the first time i have been a member of a forum, but thought i would try it out as I'm in need of a bit of advice.. and what way better to find out some helpful info than asking some renault enthusiasts!

I own a 04 plate 182 clio sport, and recently everything that could be going wrong with the car seems to be happening at once! To cut a long story short, the latest set back to have happened is to do with the exhaust system..The mid section of the exhaust has fallen from the front section! I believe due to rust.. Im basically just after any advice on what the best way of dealing with this is, whats the cheapest option, and where the best place may be to take the car for repair?? (near the south of england)

Any advice at all would be greatly appreciated

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  Mk4 Mondeo Estate
It depends how bad the rest of the exhaust system is. If the rest of the exhaust system is pretty rusty then personally I'd replace the system in one go just to get it over and done with.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mint 1*2's for sale-
pay your membership & you will find a good exhaust for £200 or a standard one for around the £50-100 mark depending on miles

personally buy a newer one, not a standard one-

  2014 Clio 200t edc
I've just had te same on mine mate. Had the middle box took out and replaced with a straight pipe. Done the job and cost me £30. Where you from?
