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New RB Blue owner

  182 cup RB
Hello joined Cliosport about a year ago but only got my clio a month ago. I got a 05 plate RB 182 Cup just thought i would introduce my self.

Just a few pics not great been a dull day.



Hope you like
  07 Campus Sport 1.2
looks nice and tidy, always liked the RB cups :) cant wait til im old enough to insure one of the buggers without having a heart attack at the amount of money they want.
whats the mileage etc?
any mods planned?
  182 cup RB
looks nice and tidy, always liked the RB cups :) cant wait til im old enough to insure one of the buggers without having a heart attack at the amount of money they want.
whats the mileage etc?
any mods planned?

Its on 53k
Coilovers when i have some spare money but its fine for now
Yeah insurance is a B***h
  07 Campus Sport 1.2
53K in 5 years, not too bad. Will need its cambelt done in less than 10k though, unless its already been done early. yeah, get some decent coilovers and itll really liven up the ride, clio's are notoriously bouncy, even the sports lol. would look good with some xenon headlights in it, im wanting some for my campus, they really suit all the clios, dont know why they didnt make them an option for all models!
Be careful- cambelt is due at 72,000 miles or 5 years, which ever comes first.

The materials used means it can deteriorate after time rather than miles.

It's due now really.
  182 cup RB
53K in 5 years, not too bad. Will need its cambelt done in less than 10k though, unless its already been done early. yeah, get some decent coilovers and itll really liven up the ride, clio's are notoriously bouncy, even the sports lol. would look good with some xenon headlights in it, im wanting some for my campus, they really suit all the clios, dont know why they didnt make them an option for all models!

Cambelt and service done before I got it got all paper work. Yeah I am looking for some xenons head lights but are really expensive just waiting for a bargain. Had coilovers on my last car makes the rs feel soft
  182 cup RB
Had a busy two day got some 172 xenon headlights (black inserts) and have given my car a good clean paint cleaner polish and wax.


After wash

  182 cup RB
Had a busy two day got some 172 xenon headlights (black inserts) and have given my car a good clean paint cleaner polish and wax.


After wash

