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new web site - finished

hey smbailey your sites good but you should of designed it at 640*480 so users dont have to scroll left or right max 600 pixels maybe

1600x1200 is what I run, but I never have a full screen of IE, probably 1/3 or 2/3rds..


hey cheeky it dont matter if i change my resolution still have to scroll to see the clio hehe its what resolution u designed it in hehe nice site though. For an absolutely perfect example of web design view no left and right scrolling this is at any resolution. Good work though

Nice, but try and keep the aspect ratio on the photos of the cars, theres one of Dashs V6 which has oval wheels :oops:

Well, thats why is designed like it is - you dont have to scroll, unless you make it really really small.. if you make the window smaller, everything else goes smaller.

and no, you dont have a pic of my car on your site.. or at least, I havnt sent it to ya!
