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Newsgroups & Giganews


Does anyone use the above?!

Having trouble getting Grabit to connect to the newsgroup server???? Unsure what server details to put in etc... Help :(
  Tesla MP3 2021
Newzbin is poor compared to NZBMatrix. You don't have to put any credit on. Just pay £5 for life :)

Also NZBxxx is better than Newzxxx lol :rasp:


Think somethings up with my Grabit?!?!

I downloaded that Newsgroup off NZBmatrix and all it says in grabit is Article not found for all the things?!
  Tesla MP3 2021
Newzbin is the original and the best. They invented the nzb FFS. Get over it, cheap ass pikeys ;)

Big deal lol. Both have the same files but one doesn't charge you all the time and you dont have to keep topping it up lol :rasp:
  Tesla MP3 2021
Think somethings up with my Grabit?!?!

I downloaded that Newsgroup off NZBmatrix and all it says in grabit is Article not found for all the things?!

Well its only 133 days old so you should be fine. Sorry I have never used Grabit so I cant really advise. Did you download the NZB file?


Well its only 133 days old so you should be fine. Sorry I have never used Grabit so I cant really advise. Did you download the NZB file?

Yep downloaded the NZB file.

What do you use to download them, if you dont use Grabit?
  Tesla MP3 2021
I use NewsRover. I am with NewsDemon rather than Giganews so you get NewsRover free.

I'm sure you get NewsLeecher free with a Giganews account!
Big deal lol. Both have the same files but one doesn't charge you all the time and you dont have to keep topping it up lol :rasp:

Newzbin has editor created reports though? Not sure about the other site TBH, I thought it was all auto-only. If Newzbin ever gets closed (not likely) then I'll try it out.
