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no christmas songs !! - stereo not working

  172 cup
my stereo is coming up with an error message when i turn it on. Its battery has been DC'd so i was expecting it to come up asking for a pin / code, but it isnt

- is the error message because the code has been entered incorrectlly ??
- also i dont have the code (or the manual) any ideas who i need to ring to get a new code ?? will it have to go back to renault to be reset ??
  Evo VI Tommi Makinen
Unless you have the code on any documentation then it will be back to where you bought it from or even to the Renault dealers.

If you get stuck I have my original stereo in the loft which i do have the code for. Although not sure if it will look right in your cup.

  172 cup
thanks Rob, will speak to you after crimbo !

In the mean time - Ive remembered some one telling me that if you put your stereo in a sealed plastic bag in the freezer it resets the code - has anyone ever hear this, or tried it before ??? Not so sure about this one. . .
  RB 182 Cup
this code means you have typed the code in wrong, its enoying to make it go away but i sat and pressed wrong buttons for about a minute and it went away as i left it over night with out pressing buttons and the error thingy was still there. In you folder of bits and bobs for the car look through it all and look for the renualt music book and stuck on eithe front or rear cover there is a sticker with a 4 digit code on it, type it in and hold down 6 i think when you have done it and then its al done :)


when i put my standard stereo back in on friday i got an error message but just left it switched on as i was driving and it sorted its self out?? try it??


ClioSport Club Member
if it just says code then leave the radio no with the ignition on and it should come up with 4 '0000' then put your code in what should be on the front inside page of ur service book. or if it says error i would take it out and disconnect it and wait a min then plug it back in and try
