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Nokia car kit??

  Octy VRS
My Golf has a Nokia Bluetoth car kit and I haven't used it as I have a Samsung phone. Been told I can and have managed to find it on my phone but don't have a pin. I would imagine 0000 would be default but it's obviously been changed. How do I reset?

It's the old style gold round button thing, like this.
  Vee 6
It's the older model of CK7-W.... Dig out the control box and the pin number is the last 4 digits of the serial number.

These old kits were designed to only work with Nokia phones so the audio may have a lot of echo to it.

Guess what i do for a living...???
  Trophy #267
ck7w and ck1w have fixed bt pins (think 0000 or poss 1234 cant rem). ck1w had issues supporting certain phones but ck7w i have atm is fine and works with all nokias i have thrown at it without any sound issues.
  Octy VRS
Found it and although it works it switches back to radio mid call. Guess it's not compatible.
  Vee 6
Maybe..... Does it still hold the call but just drops the mute ? maybe just a loose mute connection.

Good chance there might be a software miss match. The newer Nokia kits will talk to most phones now.

The jump that Parrot got in the market moved them on....
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  Vee 6
If it is...There is a yellow wire in the Nokia kit's loom. This goes to the radio and switches the mute on/off.

Make sure it's connected well at the radio, Some guy's just throw it in the ISO connector and it flaps about.
