is 1 100g bar of clay enough for the whole car, wheels, glass and all? or shall i get 2 to be safe?
Best bet Mark, use one piece of clay on the paint work. Once that has got quite dirty, over a period of time, then use that for the wheels and windows and a new piece for the paint work.
Over time I have accumilated about 10 pieces. Five kept for paint work. The others are older and kept for windows and wheels.
you can never have enough clay buddy...come in so handy for braking bits off and removing bugs etc..
just check on the strength as the is non aggressive to aggressive for over spray etc, for every day use, i would go for least aggressive
sweet. may as well get 2 then (itl rescue me if i drop one half way through the job lol)
you got any deals on light/medium clay sets atm? (preferably with spray - or if not, the one you recommend with the clay?)
but with a lube,
this one
pop a large towel under the panel you are doing so if a drop does happen it may save your bar a little... just try not to stand on the towel as the dirt from your shoes will transfer to the towel...
Poly clay for me. with my "own" lube!