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Noz 4 next FCS !!

Yep, definately need to do somethin.

Turbo, Noz, T/Bs on me 1.2.

Why? well i kinda lost every1 for a couple minutes while me engine got up to speed when we left fosse park!! :p

I caught em all up again! i was in the middle of em all i think. remember overtakin this guy in a landrover, i looked at him and he was shi#tin himself with all these clios round him! poor bloke! prob thought it was the french version of hells angels.
  1995 Mondeo Speed Machine

lol, I got smoked by a 172 on the slip road onto the M1! Managed to get in behind another 1.4 on the way so it wasnt too bad.

Tell ya wat though, i was well excited, bit twitchy behind the wheel! but then never been to see you lot before. Was a good day, got loads of ideas of how to improve me near standard 1.2.


i think next time the none valver/rsi owners shud get together and stick with one another in convoy cos i got smoked on the sliproads and traffic lights out of foss park too!!!!!
