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O2 Keep pestering me !

  106 GTi
It is upgrade time and being as I have not been to fussed as I am running a jailbroken iphone, they keep phoning me each day asking me what phone I want to upgrade me or offering me credit towards my monthly bills.

In reality I am waiting for the next iphone release and then getting that on a proper contract, but who knows when that will be.

Are there phone calls basically in order to get me to enter a new contract by either taking a handset or the credit ? How long can I keep fobbing them off, though it is getting annoying or do I need to renew a contract ?

I don't need or want a phone - so do I take a phone and sell it on - if so which one?

Or do I just take the credit towards the monthly bills?

I have normally just upgraded my phone yearly when it is due so have not been subject to the daily calls before!


I'd ring customer services and tell them you dont wish to be harrassed about upgrades etc. I'm sure if you tell them any further calls will result in you cancelling your contract with them they'll soon leave you in peace.
  Revels Mum & Sister
If you take a new phone or credit they will want you to extend the contract to another 12/18 months.

You dont have to upgrade at all. You can just carry on paying line rental until you are ready mate. Ring and tell them to s**t off


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
Tell them you'll speak to offcom if they keep phoning. That scares the s**t out of them.
  106 GTi
If you take a new phone or credit they will want you to extend the contract to another 12/18 months.

You dont have to upgrade at all. You can just carry on paying line rental until you are ready mate. Ring and tell them to s**t off

I guessed that on the first bit.

Ta, that is good to know.
Or see how much you can get from them... maybe a new phone and money off. Whats the worst they can say?
  106 GTi
I don't really want to enter into a new contract for the sake of a phone I don't want or need right now.
