So, I've decided to add a DIY follow me home system on my clio. To do so I used a arduino and some other bits. It works beautifully, but a small problem appears whenever the arduino is powered on. The range of the locking system goes to about 30cm. The key only works when is almost touching the windscreen.
As soon as I cut power to the arduino the central locking start working again at normal ranges, I reconnect the power to the arduino, and the problem appears again.
Has anyone have a similar issue? I know it must be some weird interference, but maybe some one had a similar issue and could provide some light on it.
So, I've decided to add a DIY follow me home system on my clio. To do so I used a arduino and some other bits. It works beautifully, but a small problem appears whenever the arduino is powered on. The range of the locking system goes to about 30cm. The key only works when is almost touching the windscreen.
As soon as I cut power to the arduino the central locking start working again at normal ranges, I reconnect the power to the arduino, and the problem appears again.
Has anyone have a similar issue? I know it must be some weird interference, but maybe some one had a similar issue and could provide some light on it.