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Old 'brick' phone question

  Peddled device
I fancy something a bit retro....

Can an old mobile phone (the brick type) be adapted to work as a cordless from a landline?
  Bumder With A Buffer
It can be done... we have one here that has been modded up to do that... il take a picture of it in a bit so you can see
  Civic Vtec y0
Class idea

Surely you can just take the old internals from the brick and replace (Some how) with the internals from your cordless phone?
  Bumder With A Buffer
Class idea

Surely you can just take the old internals from the brick and replace (Some how) with the internals from your cordless phone?

Precisely.. I forgot to take a photo of the one at work.

Its a "proper" old brick phone.. basically this..


We have it aptly wired up to our service "Hotline" (check the name!) :)
