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Optimal gear change indicator

  BMW M3

Hi there, Just wondering if you guys know where abouts the optimal gear change indicator is on the dash.... was playing with a Scooby when i noticed this bright light flash on the dash for a brief second on the right hand side, and i dont that i was losing traction...


Yup, bottom right. Almost out of sight lol. little gear stick symbol.

And its a "sh*t here comes the limiter" light, not optimum gear change light.
  Tesla MP3 2021

its in the bottom right hand corner its a green light with a gearlever took me a few goes to figure out what it was

LOL> I think we can safely say its a little green light in the corner of the instrument binnacle which loosely resembles a gear lever.

A search would have uncovered the same answer..
  BMW M3

Oh right.... cheers guys !!! Yeah, think it was green. Never really noticed it before. Thought it was a red dot in the centre for the OGCI. Well, shows i needed everthing its got to stay within sight of an STi...

Thanks again... put my mind at rest, thought it might have been a fault light or

  Tesla MP3 2021

lol.....when i was posting my reply there were no just goes to show how quick ppl are on;)
  Mini Cooper S sport

If you use that light to change gear everytime youd better get used to seeing petrol stations!

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 06 September 2005

Asking is always quicker than this thread proves :D
absolutely... but this thread takes up a bit more bandwidth and a bit more server space..... which ultimately slows thing s down even more. If thats actually possible. lol.
  BMW M3

lol.... yeah, great getting such quick replys. Had my 182 about 9 months before i found this forum which was 9 months of unanswered questions about my car and now all my questions are answered.... quickly !!!

Think renault dealerships should advertise this website to renault sport owners, although, to be honest, it might lose them some business in the service dept as alot of problems are solved on
P.s. I often try searching but sometimes cant find what i am looking for although i have seen it before and know it there somewhere.... Thought it would be easier, but now that you mention server space, i will try harder in future...

[Edited by Justin182 on 07 September 2005 at 12:05am]
  Scirocco GT 210

Quote: Originally posted by Racing Blue on 07 September 2005

If you use that light to change gear everytime youd better get used to seeing petrol stations!
Increasingly expensive ones at that :(

Would appear Renault has moved the shift light for the 182. Mine is on the left :oops:


  911 GTS Cab

Quote: Originally posted by Racing Blue on 07 September 2005
<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #407db6">If you use that light to change gear everytime youd better get used to seeing petrol stations!

oh so thats where I am going wrong.
  Astra VXR 17/05/07

Quote: Originally posted by lagerlout1 on 07 September 2005

Quote: Originally posted by Funkyjahooner on 06 September 2005

Asking is always quicker than this thread proves :D
absolutely... but this thread takes up a bit more bandwidth and a bit more server space..... which ultimately slows thing s down even more. If thats actually possible. lol.

Me thinks its all the crap in general that does the best job of taking space :D:p:D
