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orange phones -are the normally unlockd

  clio rs
just won a bidd on a orange network w890i, just wanted to ask will it work on tmob. If not have much will it cost to unlock


ClioSport Moderator
Orange are pretty much always locked, unless they are not branded on the front of the phone, loads of online unlocking places work a treat though :)


ClioSport Club Member
  EV (s)
If its branded (Came in a black box or has orange logos or software) its locked.

End of.
  Astra 1.9Cdti SRi
Ye they are locked, but if its a smart phone etc then its a tad more than a tenner to unlock, iv just unlocked a Samsun Omnia on Orange unlocked at a shop as orange wouldnt do it, for £25, reason beeing the handesets have been updated with lastest updates etc,
